Chargeable Service
(Please note that most remote support calls are chargeable.)
Remote support from Austral Business Machines (ABM) is charged at $70.00 inc GST for the first 15 minutes then at $165.00 inc GST per hour or part thereof. Minimum charge is 15 minutes.
Please assume the support will be charged, however the nature of the support will be assessed at the time of invoicing and charges may be waived at the discretion of ABM.
By accepting a request from an ABM representative to give live remote support, you accept responsibility for any changes made to the desktop content or system settings. ABM does not assume and is not responsible for any liability for the linking and viewing of any desktop content.
ABM recommend you remain at your desktop and observe the entirety of the remote session. You will retain control for the duration of the remote session and can terminate the remote session at anytime.
Please close any personal or confidential information on your screen, as the technician will be viewing your desktop. The client understands that some problems may not be able to be rectified via the remote session. It is your responsibility to backup all applications and data prior to the remote session.
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